Sales assistant / logistician
Laura - 23 years

What is your job?
I have a very varied job! I am Sales Assistant and Logistician for our electronic agency of Saint-Vulbas (France, 01). I monitor the products from their entrance to their exit.
From a customer request, I establish the quote, I order parts for the workshop, I receive the products in the workshop and take care of their shipment once repaired.
Actually, the most important part of my work is customer contact. I’m constantly in contact with them by mail or phone in order to manage quickly their requests and emergencies.
Describe your typical day
I start my day by greeting my colleagues, then I check and prioritize my emails. My day is structured depending on the workload of the administrative part and the logistics part. Usually I make product entries and shipments in the morning. I receive parcels from different carriers.
We are having lunch with the whole team together.
In the afternoon, I answer to customer requests, I follow up ongoing business and suppliers if needed and I order parts. I have the phone with me all day to be available to our customers.
3 skills required
Organization because in this job you need to know how to manage your time. I deal with many requests every day so it is important to prioritize your tasks.
Active listening because it’s important to ask the right questions to customers in order to understand and to best meet their requirements.
And finally, to be rigorous, which is for me an essential skill for all jobs.
What are the stakes and difficulties of this job?
When I arrived at DV GROUP a year ago, I didn’t really have technical knowledge. Fortunately, my colleagues have always been there and have always taken the time to train me. Even today, thanks to them and my job of Sales Assistant and Logistician, I learn a little more each day.
Then, as we deal with emergencies on a daily basis for our customers, we must be reactive in order to meet their needs as quickly as possible.
What do you like the most about your job? At DV GROUP?
What I like the most about my job is being useful to our customers; meet their needs and solve their problems. And when a customer thanks us and says that he is extremely satisfied with our service, that is worth all the riches in the world!
What I like about DV GROUP is the complementarity of all employees and all teams. Each employee is in his place and has a role to play in the functioning of the company. It’s really nice to feel useful!
What made you want to start a career in the industrial sector?
I arrived in the industrial sector by chance. Before joining DV GROUP, I was Management Assistant in a metalworking SME. It was my first experience in the industrial sector. Despite the technical nature of the sector, I liked the experience, so I wanted to go further and challenge me by applying for the job of Sales Assistant and Logistician at DV GROUP. And I don’t regret my choice!
As a woman in the industrial sector, did you face challenges and how did you overcome them?
I have never faced challenges with being a woman in the industrial sector. In recent years, industry has been a business sector in which female employment is on the rise. The fact that a woman can work in the industry becomes widely accepted. Even if more work remains to be done.
For the anecdote, I‘m often told the same sentence: “Can you call a guy to unload the truck? And I answer, “I’m the guy!” “.