Expert electronics technician
Jonathan - 35 Jahre

Can you explain to us what your job is about?
I’m an Expert Electronics Technician. I have two big tasks. The first is intervening with our clients in the Great Eastern region in order to respond to their problems: diagnosis, urgent repairs, commissioning etc., and the second is helping the other technicians. As their technical point of contact, I guide them day-by-day with the aim of improving their skills. Both of these aspects of my job make my daily working life very rewarding!
What made you want to start a career in industry and how did you become an Expert Electronics Technician?
When I was a child, I was very curious and hugely interested in how the things of daily life worked. Then, my vocation became clearer because I found technical subjects very easy. I therefore decided to study for a BTS qualification in electronics. It was only arriving on a placement with DV GROUP that I really discovered industry. At the end of my seven-week placement, my manager offered me a post as a workshop technician as a training position alongside my BTS in Electro-techniques. That has allowed me to wear these two hats, which is very desirable in the industrial environment. I’ve proven myself and very quickly intervened with our clients. Thanks to my determination and this perpetual quest for new knowledge, I have evolved over the years and thank DV GROUP for having had confidence in me.
Describe your typical day for us
The first task I carry out on arriving at the workshop is to help the technicians with their particular problems. Depending on the day’s schedule, I always give some time to administrative tasks. Then the telephone rings and I have to head off urgently to intervene and help a client who’s suffering a stoppage. That can be anywhere in the Great Eastern region or in Luxembourg.
I often describe my days as being like “firemen’s days” because we come to the rescue like them! That’s what spices up my daily life and I love it!
In your view, is there a particular trait or talent for doing this job?
Three qualities are essential: firstly, an ability to adapt, as we often have to intervene with very different clients and on very different equipment. Then, an ability to think things through. What I mean by that is knowing how to step back and ask the right questions. And finally, you have to be able to manage stress because the greatest part of this work is urgent.
What do you like most about your work? With DV GROUP?
I like my job because it offers me independence, freedom and variety. I can intervene close to home in a foundry, then leave for three weeks in Senegal to maintain the variators in the largest cement factory in the country, then deliver some training for a client in Guadeloupe.
As well as this diversity, I enjoy the confidence from my immediate managers and the way we all help each other as colleagues. In the case of client problems, even at night, we are all ready to help. There is a real sharing of knowledge between experts, which you don’t find anywhere else!
What advice would you give to young people who want to work in industry?
Be curious, be interested in all the trades and acquire as much skill as possible. Electricity, electro-techniques, robotics etc. – the more strings you have to your bow, the better it is!